Power House Museum - Sydney
Interactive Displays
Crossroads developed five of the seven interactive displays for the Power House Musem in the Nuclear Matters exhibition.
In the case of some of the interactive displays at the Power House Museum, Sydney the requirement was for interaction with mechanical devices (eg push bike peddles) via USB/RS232 for example in the Fuel Comparator interactive.
ANSTO [Large Touchscreen Interactive]
Describes the functions and products made at the ANSTO facility, with a series of videos, text, interviews, and graphics.
Fuel Comparator [Peddle Driven Interaction]
Showed comparisons of the various methods of generating power and the comparitive effort required to produce power by peddling on a bike.
What's Radiactive? [Large Touchscreen Interactive]
This interactive showed a variety of scenarios of exposure to radiation that surrounds us, and had a counter of daily exposure in those scenarios.
Ice Core [Large Touchscreen Interactive]
Mainly video based this interactive had a number of informative videos of Arctic/Antarctic investigations by scientists drilling into the Ice Core.
Fusor [Large Screen Interactive]
This interactive was interactively driven and guided the user through a series of drag and drop interactions to build a 'Desktop' Cold Fusion
power generator.
These interctives can be seen in the Nuclear Matters exhibition at:
Power House Museum
500 Harris Street
Ultimo NSW